Rock bottom.

As a third-generation alcoholic I was inebriated by the afternoon, 100 pounds overweight and at the height of a 20-year depression. Feeling no joy, my entire adult life thus far had been a blur.

I could no longer climb a flight of stairs or even bend over without being short of breath. I needed a change if I wanted to live.

November 2020, I asked for help.

I wasn’t interested in quitting my substance abuse, but I knew I was depressed and asked my doctor to refer me to therapy for mental and physical health. They promptly sent me to an addiction counselor. Although I was not yet ready for sobriety, my counselor whittled down my depression through therapy and medication. I slowly began losing weight and healing trauma.

Then, a friend my age, afflicted with my same demons, died. I realized that if I suddenly passed nobody would be surprised. My loved ones would be saddened, yes. But it would make sense that an obese, alcoholic, cigarette-smoking pothead wouldn’t make it much past 40. I didn’t want to go out like that... and so it clicked—the timing, the therapy, the medication.

On February 25, 2021, I began a new, sober life. No more smoking or drinking. I exercised and embraced my diet on the way to losing 100 pounds. A miraculous lifestyle change had occurred and, as time passed, I gained clarity and positive energies. I would find joy and follow my dreams.

I am forever grateful for the help—the love, guidance, patience, and knowledge that professionals, family and friends have given me. I am so lucky. I am worthy of this life, and so are you. I affirm myself every day with this mantra:

“I am Kirby Lyle. I am a musician. I am a hub of positive energies. I seek love and joy and music. And I am worthy! I am getting better every day. I won’t regret today. I am accomplishing everything that I am working toward. The day is mine. This life is mine. I believe in myself!”

So, if you are in a bad place, no matter how deep and dark the hole, if you ask for help and commit to yourself, anything is possible!

If I can do it, you can too.